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Honolulu Underage DUI Lawyer

What the Law Says About Underage Drinking & Driving

When it comes to underage drinking and driving, Hawaii has a zero tolerance policy. This means that anyone who is under the age of 21 could be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) if they are caught driving with any measurable amount of alcohol in their system. While adults can drive with a blood alcohol concentration of up to .08%, underage drivers don't have the same luxury – namely because it is illegal for them to consume alcohol in the first place.

If you or your child has been arrested for underage DUI in Hawaii, you should get in touch with the Honolulu DUI attorney at the Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALC immediately. With more than two decades of experience and 3,000 case victories under his belt, Victor Bakke is the defense lawyer that you will want on your side in the face of serious criminal charges. He will fight to protect your rights and ensure that a DUI conviction does not negatively affect your future.

Don't wait to schedule an initial case consultation with our firm. Call now!

Understanding the Penalties for Underage DUI in Hawaii

Underage drinking and driving is not tolerated in Hawaii—which may, in part, be due to the rising number of deaths that have been caused by underage DUI in recent years. That being said, you can expect to face serious legal consequences if you are convicted of this offense.

The penalties for an under 21 DUI offense may include:

  • Up to 10 hours of alcohol abuse counseling
  • Driver's license suspension for 180 days
  • Up to 36 hours of community service work
  • Fines ranging between $150 and $500

If you are convicted of a second DUI offense within five years of the first, your license could be suspended for up to one year. The judge could also impose 50 hours of community service and/or a fine of $300 to $1,000. The penalties are even harsher for a third offense.

How an Underage DUI Conviction Could Affect Your Insurance

In order to drive, you must have auto insurance. Being convicted of an underage DUI offense can complicate things, since your insurance company could terminate your policy or refuse to renew it. In other cases, they will label you as "high risk" and increase your monthly premium by as much as $100 to $200. This could last for three to five years. You may also need to provide with the DMV with a SR-22 certificate in order to reinstate your driver's license.

Underage drinking & driving can lead to additional charges.

In addition to being arrested with drunk driving, it is not uncommon for underage offenders to face charges for things like minor in possession or possession of a fake ID. These charges could result in separate, and additional, legal consequences, which is why it would be in your best interest to speak with a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Honolulu. The sooner you contact our firm, the better it could be for your case. Call now to get started on your defense.

A DUI conviction could have a lasting impact on your future. Don't take the chance of hiring an inexperienced attorney – contact the Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALC.

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  • “He is cordial, funny, compassionate and a driven lawyer/person.”

    Lyra S.

  • “World class lawyer with a team of great people. A truly great service with positive outcomes.”


  • “it was a huge relief to be not guilty and I owe it to Victor Bakke, because he believed me and he personally took care of my case and got me off free.”

    Joie Y.

  • “He was great with me and all my friends I've referred.”

    N. T.

  • “He made it easy and said, "what they're doing is illegal, so drop my name and have them call attorney Victor Bakke if they wish to speak with you again."”

    Nicholas L.

  • “Having someone I could trust to speak on my behalf when all I felt like doing was crumbling into a heap was the greatest relief.”

    JoAnn H.

  • “It's people like you who make the difference in this world.”


  • “He thoroughly explained the situation for me and gave me sound legal advice.”

    Gregory M.

  • “He made the whole nightmare bearable.”


  • “He is amazing, very thoughtful and kind.”


  • “Excellent results, both times!”


  • “Thanks for everything. I am in your debt.”


  • “Mr. Bakke worked a miracle.. We love you Mr. Bakke.”

    Katherine Piho

  • “He gave me valuable and excellent advice. It really help me a lot.”

    Former Client

  • “I feel very at ease and comfortable and knew right away, we made the best decision getting him, and that we are in good hands.”

    Aimee C.

Reasons to Choose Our Firm

  • Over 25 years of experience
  • 3,000+ cases successfully handled
  • Numerous media appearances
  • Flat fees and payment plan options
  • Free consultations
  • Available 24/7