We Can Help

Federal Bribery

Answers from a Former Prosecutor

Few criminal charges grab the public's attention like bribery. These charges can end careers in public office, damage the reputation of business owners, and, if convicted, bankrupt and imprison the accused. As many of these cases reflect poorly on institutions that have pledged to have the public's interests in mind, federal statutes take bribery charges very seriously and have outlined a number of harsh penalties in response.

If you've been accused of offering or accepting bribes, it is absolutely crucial that you seek the representation of an effective Honolulu federal crimes attorney. Here at the Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALC, we have extensive experience in federal court and as a former prosecutor. We know how to protect your rights during this difficult, and often public process.

Bribery Definitions & Penalties

Under federal law, bribery can be charged to individuals offering bribes to public officials or public officials accepting bribes. These bribes must be determined in court to have intended to gain favorable influence. A judge accepting money to dole out a lighter sentence is bribery. As is offering a public official gifts to accept a certain contractor bid. Any time money or valuable goods or stations are offered to or accepted by public officials in exchange for gain through official channels, it is considered bribery.

Penalties for bribery include:

  • Up to 15 years in prison
  • Fines up to triple the amount of the value of each bribe
  • Permanent disqualifications for public officials to hold further office

A Honolulu criminal defense lawyer is standing by!

You don't have to face charges of bribery alone. Experienced attorneys at the Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALC have won over 3,000 criminal cases—including in federal court—and are ready to bring that same kind of dynamic and incisive service of your bribery case today.

If you or a loved one need a proven Honolulu criminal defense lawyer handle a bribery case call our firm today!

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  • “But this is from my heart! Hope he can help you as he did my family!”


  • “He is cordial, funny, compassionate and a driven lawyer/person.”

    Lyra S.

  • “I feel very at ease and comfortable and knew right away, we made the best decision getting him, and that we are in good hands.”

    Aimee C.

  • “I will absolutely recommend Victor to any and everyone seeking legal advice!”

    Y and MA

  • “He is amazing, very thoughtful and kind.”


  • “Mr. Bakke worked a miracle.. We love you Mr. Bakke.”

    Katherine Piho

  • “We put our trust and had faith in you, and you exceeded our expectations.”


  • “Thanks for everything. I am in your debt.”


  • “He had every charge dropped and dismissed, my record expunged.”

    Kevin P.

  • “World class lawyer with a team of great people. A truly great service with positive outcomes.”


  • “He saved the rest of my life in Hawaii.”


  • “My wife and I met with him and after talking with him I immediately felt that I had made the right choice.”


  • “He made it easy and said, "what they're doing is illegal, so drop my name and have them call attorney Victor Bakke if they wish to speak with you again."”

    Nicholas L.

  • “I trust you to leave my son under your protection and care!”


Reasons to Choose Our Firm

  • Over 25 years of experience
  • 3,000+ cases successfully handled
  • Numerous media appearances
  • Flat fees and payment plan options
  • Free consultations
  • Available 24/7