We Can Help

Honolulu Rape Offense Attorney

Skilled and Dedicated Criminal Defense

Have you been accused of committing a sexual offense? If you have been arrested of the suspicion of rape, you could be facing serious penalties and consequences in Hawaii. The Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALC has won more than 3,000 criminal cases for clients and continues to secure successful results for the criminally accused. Our Honolulu sex crime lawyer can provide the counsel and support you need during this challenging time.

Why work with us? We have more than 20 years of experience and provide compassionate and understanding counsel. We fully believe that all of our clients are innocent until proven guilty and will go above and beyond to clear their name. Get our legal team on your side today!

Facing charges for rape? Start building your defense!

It is important to keep in mind that though Hawaii has done away with all "rape" classifications, calling any such type of offense sexual assault, there are still certain distinctions and factors that may increase the penalties you face.

We can represent clients facing the following type of rape charges:

Though the state does not use terms like "statutory" any longer, it is still strictly illegal to engage in sexual acts, consensual or not, with a minor. In Hawaii, that refers to any child under the age of 14. Any individual who is more than five years older than a minor could face sexual assault charges for sexual activity. Sexual assault is any forceful act of sexual relations with any individual who is unwilling, unable to give consent, or too young.

When you work with our firm, you can rest assured that we will fight to get your sexual assault, or rape, charges dropped or reduced. Come to us for an effective and strategic defense! Call us today to schedule a consultation.

You'll Get the Ultimate Experience

Hear from real people with real results.
  • “World class lawyer with a team of great people. A truly great service with positive outcomes.”


  • “I will absolutely recommend Victor to any and everyone seeking legal advice!”

    Y and MA

  • “Outside the courtroom he was always available to answer questions or just calm me down.”

    Former Client

  • “I am forever grateful!”


  • “He is amazing, very thoughtful and kind.”


  • “My wife and I met with him and after talking with him I immediately felt that I had made the right choice.”


  • “I trust you to leave my son under your protection and care!”


  • “He physically went down to the scene, took video evidence, and presented it in court.”


  • “Mr. Bakke worked a miracle.. We love you Mr. Bakke.”

    Katherine Piho

  • “He got me a second chance. The wonderful life that I have today would not have been possible without this man.”


  • “Having someone I could trust to speak on my behalf when all I felt like doing was crumbling into a heap was the greatest relief.”

    JoAnn H.

  • “He thoroughly explained the situation for me and gave me sound legal advice.”

    Gregory M.

  • “He gave me valuable and excellent advice. It really help me a lot.”

    Former Client

  • “He had every charge dropped and dismissed, my record expunged.”

    Kevin P.

  • “He made it easy and said, "what they're doing is illegal, so drop my name and have them call attorney Victor Bakke if they wish to speak with you again."”

    Nicholas L.

Reasons to Choose Our Firm

  • Over 25 years of experience
  • 3,000+ cases successfully handled
  • Numerous media appearances
  • Flat fees and payment plan options
  • Free consultations
  • Available 24/7