Military Crimes in Fort Hood, TX
Our Attorney is ready to fight for you: (888) 387-3216!
- Former prosecutor
- 20+ years of legal experience
- More than 6, 000 court appearances
- Over 3, 000 criminal defense cases won
- We have a 30-year retired colonel of the MP and a military judge
- Attorney Bakke featured in numerous national and international media outlets
At the Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALC, our founding attorney has had extensive trial experience from both sides of the court. Every member of the military is expected to abide by a rigid set of regulations and as such will be subject to the military courts for any criminal activities.
If you have been accused of committing a military crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (U.C.M.J.), then you will need aggressive and seasoned defense. With so much at stake, including your military career and your life, there is not a moment to waste!
Retired 30-Year Colonel & Military Judge on You Side
Colonel Gregory A. Gross has represented numerous military cases and delivered positive results for his clients. He has served as a Chief Circuit Judge, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, and many other positions within the court-martial system. We are known for aggressive courtroom demeanor and a high rate of acquittal on cases we have represented. With a track record of success that simply cannot be matched, there is no other choice than our Fort Hood, TX military crimes lawyers at The Law Office of Victor Bakke, ALLC.
Dedicated Defense for Military Crimes
Are you currently being investigated for a military crime? Usually, the legal division of your military branch will not provide assistance unless charges have been formally made. You have the right to obtain legal representation from a Fort Hood, Texas military crimes attorney at your discretion, as stated under the U.C.M.J., and the Rules of Court Martial (R.C.M.).
Types Of Cases We Handle
- Assault
- Court martial
- Discharge upgrade
- Offenses under Article 120
- Offenses under Article 134
- Offenses under Article 15
Depending on the type of crime and the circumstances involved, the disciplinary actions and possible penalties to serve can very case by case. The most serious offenses, however, are handled in the court martial process.
Do not wait—Contact us today!
If you are being investigated for this type of crime, then it is critical that you have a knowledgeable Fort Hood, TX military crimes attorney working on your case. We can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. We are here to protect your rights, your career, and your future!